The story revolves on the amazing adventures of Aw, Em and Gee, who are mild-mannered massage therapists by day and sexy secret agents who solve crimes by night. They are then tasked to embark on a top-level secret mission to retrieve the precious “Perlas Ng Silangan” in exchange for their lives and freedom
Directed by
Chris Martinez
Written by
Alpha Habon
Coleen Garcia-Crawford
Em / Emerald / Maldita
Carmi Martin
Jaime Fabregas
Jessy Mendiola
Gee / Genevieve / Henya
Ejay Falcon
Janus Del Prado
Tessie Tomas
Kim Molina
Enzo Pineda
Vin Abrenica
Arlene Muhlach
Arci Muñoz
Aw/ Aurora/ Kapitana

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