Romance Comedy Drama
Mediterranean ferryboat captain Henry St James has things well organized - a loving and very English wife Maud in Gibraltar, and the loving if rather more hot-blooded Mistress, Nita in Tangiers. A perfect life. As long as neither woman decides to follow him to the other port.
Directed by
Anthony Kimmins
Alec Guinness
Captain Henry St. James
Sebastian Cabot
Ali (vendor)
Yvonne De Carlo
Nita St. James
Celia Johnson
Maud St. James
Ferdy Mayne
The Sheikh
Bill Fraser
Absalom (taxi driver)
Miles Malleson
Lawrence St. James
Roger Delgado
Kalikan Policeman
Peter Bull
Kalikan firing-squad officer
Walter Crisham
Ambrosine Phillpotts
Charles Goldner
Chief Officer Ricco
Henry B. Longhurst
Professor Killick
Bernard Rebel
Mr. Wheeler

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