Drama History
Having helped his brother King Edward IV take the throne of England, the jealous hunchback Richard, Duke of Gloucester, plots to seize power for himself. Masterfully deceiving and plotting against nearly everyone in the royal court, including his eventual wife, Lady Anne, and his brother George, Duke of Clarence, Richard orchestrates a bloody rise to power before finding all his gains jeopardized by those he betrayed.
Directed by
Laurence Olivier
Written by
David Garrick, Colley Cibber
Claire Bloom
The Lady Anne
Stanley Baker
Henry, Earl of Richmond
Cedric Hardwicke
King Edward IV of England
John Gielgud
George, Duke of Clarence
Laurence Olivier
Richard III
Michael Gough
Pamela Brown
Jane Shore
Michael Ripper
Clive Morton
The Lord Rivers
Patrick Troughton
Ralph Richardson
Duke of Buckingham
John Laurie
Alexander Davion
Messenger to Richard III
Mary Kerridge
Queen Elizabeth
Andrew Cruickshank
Nicholas Hannen
Wallace Bosco
Stewart Allen
Page to Richard
Russell Thorndike
First Priest
Norman Fisher
Richard Bennett
George Stanley

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