Action Horror Mystery
Ajin is a live-action adaptation of a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gamon Sakurai. Kei Nagai dies in a car accident, but realises he is a type of immortal known as Ajin. Hunted by humans, Ajin is eventually found by the government and used as a subject in cruel experiments. He finds fellow demi-humans along the way as he escapes and goes on the run.
Directed by
Katsuyuki Motohiro
Written by
Hiroshi Seko, Gamon Sakurai, Masahiro Yamaura
Minami Hamabe
Eriko Nagai
Yuki Yamada
Takeru Satoh
Kei Nagai
Yudai Chiba
Go Ayano
Rina Kawaei
Izumi Shimomura
Yu Shirota
Koji Tanaka
Tetsuji Tamayama
Yu Tosaki

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