Animation Family
Three friends with different cultural origins find an abandoned washing machine while playing. To their shock, they find out that the washing machine has strange powers: their heads are swapped by sticking them in the washing machine. When it turns out their heads can't be swapped back, they must go back home with each other's heads. Because their households have very different habits and traditions, they end up in awkard situations. Through these situations, they learn a lot of new things about each other.
Directed by
Marieke Blaauw, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins
Written by
Marieke Blaauw, Job Roggeveen, Joris Oprins
Nasrdin Dchar
Sef / Wesley (voice)
Fockeline Ouwerkerk
Anne (voice)
Iliass Ojja
Sef's Brother (voice)
Margo Dames
Marjolein's Mother (voice)
Paulien Cornelisse
Marjolein / Sef (voice)
Sabri Saad El-Hamus
Sef's Father (voice)
Steye van Dam
Wesley / Marjolein / Wesley's Father (voice)
Chris Bajema
Marjolein's Father (voice)
Lex Verschuuren
Wesley's Brother (voice)
Johannes Sigmond
Band Member (voice)

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