Drama Family War
When an injury bars him from pursuing his trade, Revolutionary War-era silversmith's apprentice Johnny Tremain finds a new life in the ranks of the Sons of Liberty army, taking part in the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere's legendary ride.
Directed by
Robert Stevenson
Whit Bissell
Josiah Quincy
Sebastian Cabot
Jonathan Lyte
Dabbs Greer
Nat Lorne
Richard Beymer
Rab Silsbee
Walter Sande
Paul Revere
Jeff York
James Otis
Geoffrey Toone
Major Pitcairn
Gavin Gordon
Col. Smith
Virginia Christine
Mrs. Lapham
Luana Patten
Cilla Lapham
Lumsden Hare
Admiral Montagu
Will Wright
Ephraim Lapham
Ralph Clanton
General Gage
Cyril Delevanti
Rusty Lane
Samuel Adams
Charles Smith
Walter Coy
Doctor Joseph Warren
Hal Stalmaster
Johnny Tremain
Sharon Disney
Dorcas (uncredited)

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