Comedy Animation Fantasy Action Family Adventure
A mysterious girl named Sakura escaped after her fox friend, Shizuku was arrested. When he managed to escape, she fell to the Human World only to be found by Ichika Usami. Sakura says she is from "Sakuragahara", a world based on ancient Japan that is in danger because a mysterious evil figure named Karasu Tengu has taken over and stolen all the beautiful things in her world. She is also looking for Pretty Cure that represents Sweet, Jewels and Keys. Ichika says that she found the KiraKira PreCure team, which represents sweets. As two Karasu Tengu servants arrived in the human world looking for Sakura, the other members of the KiraKira team were ambushed, only to be saved by Maho Girls PreCure! Team, which represented Jewel and Go! Princess PreCure Team, which represents Key. When they gathered together with Sakura, the three teams had to dare Sakuragahara to save Shizuku and free her world from the evil hands of Karasu Tengu.
Directed by
Hiroshi Miyamoto
Saori Hayami
Kotoha Hanami / Cure Felice (voice)
Nanako Mori
Akira Kenjo / Cure Chocolat (voice)
Nao Toyama
Haruka Fukuhara
Himari Arisugawa / Cure Custard (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Towa Akagi / Cure Scarlet (voice)
Yui Horie
Riko Izayoi / Cure Magical (voice)
Mika Kanai
Rie Takahashi
Mirai Asahina / Cure Miracle (voice)
Saki Fujita
Yukari Kotozume / Cure Macaron (voice)
Yoshino Kimura
Kana Asumi
Sakura (voice)
Karen Miyama
Ichika Usami / Cure Whip (voice)
Ayaka Saito
Masumi Asano
Minami Kaido / Cure Mermaid (voice)
Yuuya Uchida
Yu Shimamura
Haruka Haruno / Cure Flora (voice)
Tomo Muranaka
Aoi Tategami / Cure Gelato (voice)
Hibiku Yamamura
Kirara Amanogawa / Cure Twinkle (voice)
Haruka Yoshimura
Yui Nanase
Ryota Yamasato
Masafumi Kimura
Shiho Kokido
Yuuto Suzuki
Yoshino Ootori
Jin Tadokoro
Yellow Dog
Tomohiro Sekimachi
Red Dog

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