Fantasy Animation Action Sci-Fi
The planet Eltria, having suffered severe desertification in the past, has all but been abandoned. Against her older sister's wishes, Kyrie Florian travels to Earth alongside her best friend, the AI Iris, in search of the key to their planet's regeneration. However, the only way to find it lies within the Tome of the Night Sky, leading them into conflict with Nanoha and her friends.
Directed by
Takayuki Hamana
Written by
Masaki Tsuzuki
Nana Mizuki
Fate Testarossa / Levi (voice)
Kana Asumi
Yuri Eberwein (voice)
Mikako Takahashi
Chrono Harlaown (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Shario Finieno (voice)
Yuki Matsuoka
Amy Limietta (voice)
Ryoka Yuzuki
Shamal (voice)
Yukari Tamura
Nanoha Takamachi / Stern (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Alisa Bannings (voice)
Sayaka Ohara
Leti Lowran (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Iris (voice)
Haruka Tomatsu
Amitie Florian (voice)
Emiko Takeuchi
Momoko Takamachi (voice)
Aya Hisakawa
Lindy Harlaown (voice)
Kazuya Ichijo
Zafira (voice)
Natsuko Kuwatani
Arf (voice)
Kana Ueda
Hayate Yagami / Dearche (voice)
Ai Shimizu
Suzuka Tsukimura (voice)
Reinforce Zwei (voice)
Satomi Sato
Kyrie Florian (voice)
Asami Sanada
Vita (voice)
Kaori Mizuhashi
Yuuno Scrya (voice)
Kaori Shimizu
Signum (voice)
Kayo Sakata
Mariel Atenza (voice)
Osamu Sakata

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