Animation Action Adventure Comedy Family
Super spy Lance Sterling and scientist Walter Beckett are almost exact opposites. Lance is smooth, suave and debonair. Walter is… not. But what Walter lacks in social skills he makes up for in smarts and invention, creating the awesome gadgets Lance uses on his epic missions. But when events take an unexpected turn, Walter and Lance suddenly have to rely on each other in a whole new way.
Directed by
Troy Quane, Nick Bruno
Will Smith
Lance Sterling (voice)
Rashida Jones
Marcy Kappel (voice)
Tom Holland
Walter Beckett (voice)
Ben Mendelsohn
Killian (voice)
Karen Gillan
Eyes (voice)
Stefania Spampinato
Agency Employee #10 / Italian Woman (voice)
Reba McEntire
Joyless (voice)
Kimberly Brooks
Lance's Car (voice)
Rachel Brosnahan
Wendy (voice)
Masi Oka
Kimura (voice)
Ruth Zalduondo
Additional Voice (voice)
Mark Ronson
Agency Control Room Technician (voice)
DJ Khaled
Ears (voice)
Daniel Booko
Additional Voice (voice)
JB Blanc
Agency Employee #2 / Marcy's Agent #3 (voice)
Chris Wedge
Gabriel Conte
Agency Employee #7 (voice)
Shane Sweet
Additional Voice (voice)
Bex Marsh
Agency Employee #5 / Female Tourist (voice)
Annie Gonzalez
Additional Voice (voice)
Toru Uchikado
Yakuza #1 (voice)
Carla Jimenez
Geraldine (voice)
Adrian Gonzalez
Agency Employee #3 / Marcy's Agent #1 (voice)
Marabina Jaimes
Additional Voice (voice)
Hideo Kimura
Additional Voice (voice)
Tawny Newsome
Agency Employee #1 (voice)
Toshiya Agata
Yakuza #3 (voice)
Eddie Mujica
Agency Accountant / Male Tourist (voice)
Dyana Ortelli
Additional Voice (voice)
Chrystee Pharris
Additional Voice (voice)
David Chen
Additional Voice (voice)
Claire Crosby
Unitee (voice)
Masa Kanome
Additional Voice (voice)
Dina Morrone
Additional Voice (voice)
Stan Sellers
Additional Voice (voice)
Arthur Ortiz
Additional Voice (voice)
Maya Goodwin
Additional Voice (voice)
Krizia Bajos
Receptionist (voice)
William-Christopher Stephens
Agency Employee #4 / Marcy's Agent #5 (voice)
Ben Pronsky
Additional Voice (voice)
Reggie De Leon
Weapons Lab Tech (voice)
Vivian Yoon Lee
Additional Voice (voice)
Oscar Camacho
Additional Voice (voice)
Danielle Hartnett
Additional Voice (voice)
Jess Conte
Agency Employee #8 (voice)
Peter S. Kim
Agency Employee #6 / Joon / Marcy's Agent #4 (voice)
Rashawn Nadine Scott
Agency Employee #9 (voice)
Hisato Masuyama
Yakuza #2 (voice)
Michi Yamato
Yakuza #4 (voice)
Hiroshi Otaguro
Yakuza #5 (voice)
Jarrett Bruno
Young Walter / Pigeon Voice (voice)
Christopher Campbell
Marcy's Agent #2 (voice)
Youn So
Soo-Min (voice)
Min-Hyuck Jang
Joon (voice)
Paolo Costantino Cenci
Scooter Guy (voice)
Casey M. Roberts
Launch Control Voice (voice)
Jen Cain
Additional Voice (voice)
Michael Woodley
Additional Voice (voice)
Jason Fricchione

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