Comedy TV Movie
In the sequel to "A Royal Family Holiday", the children Phillip "Flip" Royal (Romeo Miller), a good-looking spiritual guru; Austin Royal (Eric Myrick III, At Sunrise), a Washington, D.C. community activist; Kelsey Royal (Chelsea Tavares, Fright Night), a fashion designer's gopher; and Pamela Royal (Taquilla Whitfield, Magic Mike XXL), a hair and nail salon owner; join forces to reunite their parents in time for Christmas. They try every trick in the book - including "playing nice" and setting aside old sibling rivalries - only to learn their mom and dad are enjoying "the single life." Their plan also goes awry as getting their parents back together ends up taking a back seat to their own personal and professional drama.
Directed by
Lance Kawas
Written by
Rhonda Baraka
Vivica A. Fox
Mona Levi
Tichina Arnold
Richard Lawson
Leighton Royal
Debbi Morgan
Alfreda Royal
Flip Royal
Ele Bardha
Roger Fabian
Chelsea Tavares
Kelsey Royal
Ricky Harris
Tequilla Whitfield
Athena Isabel Lebessis
Serena Stone
Lulu Dahl
Winifred Cox
Javon Anderson
Theo Johnson
Eric M. Myrick
Austin (as Eric Myrick)
Henry Frost III
Promotional Person
Alexander Christopher Jones
Arresting Police Officer
Jonathan Holloway

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