Drama TV Movie
As NBC's hit sitcom "Diff'rent Strokes" proves a long-running hit for a network desperately in need of one, its young stars: Gary Coleman, Todd Bridges, and Dana Plato face all sorts of trouble off-camera. Gary battles with his parents over the management of his salary, Todd runs into trouble with the law countless times, and Dana's career after the show meets with despair and tragedy.
Directed by
Robert Iscove
Written by
Gregory K. Pincus
Teryl Rothery
Kay Plato
Peter Outerbridge
Al Burton
Saul Rubinek
Fred Silverman
Jerry Wasserman
Howard Leeds
Britt Irvin
Dana Plato - 17 to 34 years
Rainbow Sun Francks
Dion Mial
Jason Schombing
Colin Cunningham
Vic Perillo
Lorena Gale
Sue Coleman
Matthew Bennett
Brandon Stoddard
Todd Bridges
John Innes
Conrad Bain
Malcolm Stewart
Herbert Kenwith
Biski Gugushe
Gerren Keith
Gary Coleman
Bruce A. Young
Willie Coleman
Bobb'e J. Thompson
Gary Coleman
Robert Bailey Jr.
Gary Coleman - 13-29 years
Shedrack Anderson III
Todd Bridges - 17 to 37 years
Verda Bridges
Betty Bridges
Alon Williams
Gary Coleman - 30-31 years
Brennan Gademans
Todd Bridges - 13 to 17 years

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