In this realistic, unsentimental portrait of Germany’s dire economic situation, a middle-aged payroll clerk loses his job due to technological advances and, unable to find another, descends into despair. The film’s director, Marie Harder, was one of only a few women directors of the time and was also the head of the German Social Democratic Film Office. She made only two known films before her accidental death in exile in Mexico in 1936.
Directed by
Marie Harder
Written by
Herbert Rosenfeld
Anna Sten
Lene, Kremkes ältere Tochter
Inge Landgut
Kremkes jüngere Tochter
Hermann Vallentin
Ivan Koval-Samborskyi
Erwin, junger Arbeiter
Wolfgang Zilzer
Lenes Verlobter, Student
Else Heller
Erwins Mutter

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