Drama TV Movie
Follows the serendipitous meeting of two young girls on the Venice Boardwalk, who, though worlds apart in lifestyle, embark on unexpected and lifelong friendship. CC is an aspiring singer trying to make it in Los Angeles. Hillary is the daughter of a prominent civil rights lawyer who struggles to find her own destiny. Their friendship—even with its ups and downs—sustains them for decades.
Directed by
Allison Anders
Nia Long
Hillary Whitney
Idina Menzel
CC Bloom
Colin Lawrence
Antonio Cupo
Cardi Wong
CC's Assistant
Graeme Duffy
Sorcerer Composer
Kate Isaac
Assistant District Attorney
Rebecca Husain
Pretty Sinners Director
Gabriella Pizzolo
Young CC
Daniel Letto
Sorcerer Actor
Sanai Victoria
Tory Whitney
Jane Hancock
Brandyn Eddy
Sorcerer Writer
Barbara Beall
Costume Designer
Jillian Zavazal
Grace Capeless
Young Hillary
Devin Johnston
Secular Parent
Tom MacNeill
Lt Paul Crawford

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