Adventure Comedy Drama Family
From chicken thief to cabin boy, riverboat pilot to circus performer, Huck Finn outsmarts everyone on his way down the muddy Mississippi.
Directed by
Michael Curtiz
Buster Keaton
Lion Tamer
Royal Dano
Harry Dean Stanton
Slave Catcher
Sherry Jackson
Mary Jane Wilkes
Patty McCormack
Joanna Wilkes
John Carradine
Slave Catcher
Sterling Holloway
Tony Randall
King of France
Finlay Currie
Captain Sellers
Andy Devine
Mr. Carmody
Josephine Hutchinson
Widow Douglas
Parley Baer
Grangeford Man
Neville Brand
Pap Finn
Archie Moore
Mickey Shaughnessy
Duke of Bilgewater
Judy Canova
Sheriff's Wife
Eddie Hodges
Huckleberry Finn
Patrick Whyte
Uncle Harvey Wilkes

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