Drama Comedy Romance Family Fantasy
Fifteen years ago, Ben Walker made a decision to leave his college sweetheart and ultimately his faith, in order to pursue a lucrative business opportunity. Now with a high-paying career and a trophy fiancé, he is visited by an angel, who gives him a glimpse into what his life would look like had he followed his calling.
Directed by
Dallas Jenkins
Written by
Chuck Konzelman, Andrea Gyertson Nasfell, Cary Solomon
Debby Ryan
Kimberly Walker
Kevin Sorbo
Ben Walker
Toni Trucks
John Ratzenberger
Mike the Angel
Kristy Swanson
Wendy Walker
David A.R. White
Kristin Minter
Stelio Savante
Joel Muller
Liam Matthews
Night Nurse
Grant James
Henryk Zimmerman
Brad Heller
Ross Bessette Jr.
Danielle Hoetmer
Richard Pierre-Louis
Guardian Angel
Tom McElroy
James McCutcheon
Taylor Groothuis
Megan Walker
Kevin Yon
Brittany Risner
Suzanne Lang
Front Desk Nurse
Thomas Flannery Jr.
Preston Mulligan
Dennis Lee Kelly
Ross Bessette
James Daniels
Obnoxious Husband
Sharon M. Hayes
Obnoxious Woman
Maya Jenkins
Young Kimberly
Mary Thornton
Bus Station Announcer (voice)
Abbie Finner
Girl in Church (uncredited)
Madison Hertel
Party Attendee (uncredited)
Daniel James Wrzesinski
Bus Station Employee (uncredited)
Jerry B. Jenkins

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