Mystery Animation Drama Fantasy
Tobias, Mary, and Sakuya are way into the The World. Together, they form an inseparable group, grinding toward the break of day and running dungeons in search of the artifacts of adventure. But when the trio becomes lost in this virtual labyrinth, a chance encounter with the mysterious entity known only as Hermit will change their lives forever.
Directed by
Masaki Tachibana
Kana Hanazawa
Sakuya / Asumi Aida (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Tobias / Iori Ikuta (voice)
Yui Ogura
Hermit (voice)
Daisuke Namikawa
Iyoten (voice)
Ayumi Fujimura
Mary / Eri Etou (voice)
Sanae Kobayashi
Shamrock (voice)
Yoko Honna
Asta (voice)
Masami Iwasaki
Smith (voice)
Yohei Tadano
Geek (voice)

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