Animation Action Comedy Fantasy Romance
The film's story begins when Arata inadvertently touches "Hermes Apocrypha," Lilith's Grimoire. Suddenly, he is enveloped by a bright white light, and a girl appears before him. She calls herself Lilim, and treats both Arata and Lilith as her parents. At the same time she appears, something changes in the world. The forbidden Eternal Library awakens. In the Library is sealed the ultimate culmination of Alchemy, the White Demon Lord. The White Demon Lord plots to eliminate Arata and the Trinity Seven to usurp the position of Demon Lord. Bristling with untold power, the White Demon Lord attacks Arata, and triggers a desperate crisis where Arata and the Trinity Seven must save the world in this last battle.
Directed by
Hiroshi Nishikiori
Ryoka Yuzuki
Akio Fudou (voice)
Yoko Hikasa
Mira Yaman (voice)
Nao Toyama
Sherlock Lieselotte (voice)
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka
Arata Kasuga (voice)
Rie Kugimiya
Sora (voice)
Ayane Sakura
Levi Kazama (voice)
Mao Ichimichi
Anastasia L (voice)
Shin'ichirō Miki
Gakuenchou Biblia (voice)
Yumi Hara
Lilith Asami (voice)
Rina Hidaka
Lilim (voice)
Aya Uchida
Arin Kannazuki (voice)
Chinatsu Akasaki
Ilia (voice)
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Last Trinity (voice)
Yoshino Nanjou
Master Akarsha (voice)
Rie Murakawa
Yui Kurata (voice)

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