Comedy Drama Romance
César runs a bar along Marseilles' port, assisted by his 23 year old son, Marius. Colorful characters abound: M. Panisse, an aging widower and prosperous sail maker; Honorine, a fishmonger with a sidewalk stall near the bar; her daughter, Fanny, who helps her sell cockles just outside the bar; and various old salts. Friends since childhood, Fanny and Marius love each other, but Marius has a secret wanderlust: every ship's whistle stirs a longing for foreign lands. When M. Panisse seeks Fanny's hand in marriage and when a departing clipper needs a deckhand, Marius and Fanny must decide who and what they love most. César, with his generous, wise spirit, tries to guide his son.
Directed by
Alexander Korda
Robert Vattier
Monsieur Brun
Pierre Fresnay
Marius Ollivier, fils de César
Alida Rouffe
Honorine Cabanis
César Ollivier
Alexandre Mihalesco
Fernand Charpin
Maître Honoré Panisse
Orane Demazis
Fanny Cabanis, fille d'Honorine
Paul Dullac
Félix Escartefigue

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