Adventure Crime Drama Mystery Romance
Two American-army officers are working on a new type of machine-gun for anti-aircraft warfare, when one of them is murdered. The other vows to get the spies that are after the invention and avenge his friend's death.
Directed by
Joseph H. Lewis
Glenn Strange
The 'Champ' (uncredited)
Harry Harvey
Reporter (uncredited)
Jack Mulhall
Capt. Tex Randolph
Jane Wyman
Elaine Burdette
Carleton Young
Polo Game Timekeeper (uncredited)
Carl Stockdale
Firing Range Officer (uncredited)
Robert Warwick
Col. Burdette
John Ridgely
Spy Ring Member (uncredited)
Lester Dorr
Firing Range Radio Operator (uncredited)
Esther Ralston
Jean Bruce (as Jane Carleton)
Eddie Parker
Reporter (uncredited)
Leon Ames
Frank Denton
Eddie Gribbon
Sergeant Who Threatens Mayhew (uncredited)
Don Barclay
Private Timothy O'Reilly
Ben Alexander
Capt. Don Mayhew
Forrest Taylor
G-2 Sergeant (uncredited)
Harry Woods
Capt. Holden
Paul Sutton
Charley (Spy-Ring Chauffeur)
Frances Robinson
Girl at Officer's Club Dinner (uncredited)
William Hall
Capt. Todd Hayden
Phillip Trent
Capt. Robert Scott
Pat Gleason
Reporter (uncredited)
LeRoy Mason
Paul Douglas
Carlyle Moore Jr.
Cavalry Officer Playing Polo (uncredited)
Egon Brecher
General A. R. Bowen

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