Romance Comedy Drama
Solange is seriously depressed, and her kindhearted husband, Raoul, makes it his mission to cure her doldrums. After many failed attempts to cheer her up, Raoul hits upon a possible solution: find his wife a lover. Unfortunately, his choice, Stéphane, proves to be just as ineffectual in restoring her flagging spirits. In the end, the gorgeous Solange finds her own, highly problematic tonic to her troubles in the form of a 13-year-old boy.
Directed by
Bertrand Blier
Gérard Depardieu
Liliane Rovère
La barmaid
Michel Serrault
le voisin
Patrick Dewaere
Eléonore Hirt
Mme Beloeil
Philippe Brigaud
Le docteur Papillon
Michel Beaune
Le docteur Rue
André Thorent
Le professeur
Carole Laure
Gilberte Géniat
L'ouvreuse du théâtre
Jean Rougerie
M. Beloeil
Sylvie Joly
la passante
Riton Liebman
Christian Beloeil
David Gabison
Le quidam
André Lacombe
Le délégué syndical
Roger Riffard
Le médecin du port
Jean Perin
Un ouvrier
Bertrand De Hautefort
Un officier

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