Fantasy Animation Family
A poor girl was given an impossible task by her stepmother: to gather snowdrops in a winter forest. Suddenly she stumbled across twelve brothers who happened to be the twelve months.
Directed by
Mikhail Botov, Ivan Ivanov-Vano
Written by
Nikolay Erdman, Samuil Marshak
Aleksei Gribov
January (voice)
Yuliya Yulskaya
Daughter (voice)
Georgiy Vitsin
Raven (voice)
Erast Garin
Professor (voice)
Tatyana Barysheva
Stepmother (voice)
Lyudmila Kasatkina
Stepdaughter (voice)
Grigoriy Shpigel
Gardener (voice)
Vladimir Volodin
The Wolf (voice)
Galina Novozhilova
The Queen (voice)
Tatyana Fyodorova
Gennadiy Malyshev

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