Comedy Thriller
Christopher Gill is a psychotic killer who uses various disguises to trick and strangle his victims. Moe Brummel is a single and harassed New York City police detective who starts to get phone calls from the strangler and builds a strange alliance as a result. Kate Palmer is a swinging, hip tour guide who witnesses the strangler leaving her dead neighbor's apartment and sets her sights on the detective. Moe's live-in mother wishes her son would be a successful Jewish doctor like his big brother.
Directed by
Jack Smight
George Segal
Morris Brummel
Murray Hamilton
Inspector Haines
Doris Roberts
Sylvia Poppie
Rod Steiger
Christopher Gill
Val Bisoglio
Detective Monaghan
Lee Remick
Kate Palmer
Michael Dunn
Mr. Kupperman
Eileen Heckart
Mrs. Brummel
Ruth White
Mrs. Himmel
Barbara Baxley
Belle Poppie
David Doyle
Lieutenant Dawson
Martine Bartlett
Alma Mulloy
Irene Dailey
Mrs. Fitts
Zvee Scooler
Old Man

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