Action Drama Adventure Animation Sci-Fi
Nono is a clumsy waitress who dreams of becoming a space pilot. One day, she meets Lal'C Melk Mark, a member of the elite psychic pilot team "Topless." But when space monsters appear from out of nowhere to wreak havoc on Mars, Lal'C calls out her Buster Machine—codenamed "Dix-Neuf"—to subdue the threat. During a battle with a Space Monster, Lal'C gets the surprise of her life when she sees Nono use her super-strength to help Dix-Neuf destroy the alien. From that point, Nono hangs along with Lal'C in hopes of becoming a member of Topless.
Directed by
Atsushi Nishigori, Masahiko Otsuka, Katsuichi Nakayama, Tadashi Hiramatsu, Kazuya Tsurumaki
Maaya Sakamoto
Lal'C Mellk Mal (voice)
Sanae Kobayashi
Piaget Serpentine (voice)
Yuhko Kaida
Roo Soon (voice)
Miyuki Sawashiro
Tycho Science (voice)
Yuki Matsuoka
LeCoultre Serpentine (voice)
Nozomu Sasaki
Gouya Reicy (voice)
Yukari Fukui
Nono (voice)
Mitsuo Iwata
Nicholas Vacheron (voice)
Takumi Yamazaki
Casio Takashirô (voice)
Akio Suyama
Roy Anyan (voice)

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