Comedy Drama
Although Brad has a satisfying career, a sweet wife and a comfortable life in suburban Sacramento, things aren't quite what he imagined during his college glory days. When he accompanies his musical prodigy son on a university tour, he can't help comparing his life with those of his four best college friends who seemingly have more wealthy and glamorous lives. But when circumstances force him to reconnect with his former friends, Brad begins to question whether he has really failed or if their lives are actually more flawed than they appear.
Directed by
Mike White
Written by
Mike White
Brad Pitt
Ben Stiller
Brad Sloan
Michael Sheen
Craig Fisher
Luke Wilson
Jason Hatfield
Jemaine Clement
Billy Wearslter
Allison Williams
Troy's Girlfriend
Jenna Fischer
Melanie Sloan
Austin Abrams
Troy Sloan
Jimmy Kimmel
Kenny Wong
Shazi Raja
Alex Bisping
Beta Male #1
Jane Wheeler
Harvard Mother
Ivan Fuchs
Adam Bernett
Ticket Seller
Frank Fontaine
Older Man
Erin Agostino
Flight Attendant
Meghan Gabruch
Azalia's Hostess
Carolyn Fe
Chinese Waitress
Adam Capriolo
Chris Kanew
Keir Cutler
TSA Officer
Susan Glover
Female Professor
Dawn Ford
Jason's Executive Assistant
Clément Sasseville
Jonah Carson
Felicia Shulman
Cherie Parkinson
Rosalba Martinni
Older Latina
Karl Graboshas
Admission Officer
Spiro Malandrakis
André Simoneau
Beta Male #2
Xavier Sotelo
Harvard Father
Danielle Lyons
College Tour Guide (uncredited)
Simon Therrien
Luisa Lee
Jon Bernad
Admissions Receptionist
Shauna Bradley
Diane Fisher
Izzy Stannard
Tween One
Ava Gammie
Tween Two
Devon Packer
Young Troy
Orla Johannes
TV Host
Kuulei Uelese
Billy's Wahine
Sara Baumgartner
Billy's Other Wahine
Steven Cuneo
Gay Dog Handler #2
Jordan Matthew Teasdale
Jason's Child #1
Max Benda
Jason's Child #2
Raynnie Platz
Jason's Child #3
Mya Hénault
Jason's Child #4
Eli Cusick

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