Comedy Romance
Meek, owlish Felix and strident, catty Doris live in the same apartment building. His incessant typing bothers her; her gentlemen callers bother him. Felix informs the landlord of her activities, so Doris moves in on Felix. When they both get thrown out, they move in with Barney... until they drive him out! That's when Felix and Doris finally decide to put theory into practice. But do opposites attract?
Directed by
Herbert Ross
Written by
Bill Manhoff
George Segal
Barbra Streisand
Robert Klein
Marilyn Chambers
Barney's Girl (as Evelyn Lang)
Buck Henry
Man Looking Through Doubleday's Bookstore (uncredited)
Kim Chan
Theatre Cashier
Tom Atkins
Kid in Car (uncredited)
Roz Kelly
Murray Moston
Rikers Restaurant Patron (uncredited)
Allen Garfield
Dress Shop Proprietor
Jacques Sandulescu
Jack Manning
Mr. Weyderhaus
Grace Carney
Mrs. Weyderhaus
Barbara Anson
Miss Weyderhaus
Stan Gottlieb
Coatcheck Man
Joe Madden
Old Man Neighbor
Fay Sappington
Old Woman Neighbor

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