Comedy Drama Romance
Mike Vecchio and Susan Henderson are preparing for their upcoming wedding. However, they seem to be the only two people at the wedding that are happy. Mike's brother Richie and his wife Joan are going through a divorce, which is upsetting his overly devout Catholic mother Beatrice. Also, Susan's father is carrying on an affair and her sex starved older sister Wilma is going through her troubles with her husband Johnny. All this is going on while Mike's best friend Jerry is trying to bed the maid of honor, Susan's cousin Brenda.
Directed by
Cy Howard
Sylvester Stallone
Bonnie Bedelia
Susan Henderson
Diane Keaton
Joan Vecchio
Cloris Leachman
Bernice Henderson
Bea Arthur
Bea Vecchio
Renée Taylor
Jerry Stiller
Gig Young
Hal Henderson
Joseph Hindy
Ritchie Vecchio
Anne Meara
Amy Stiller
Flower Girl
Anne Jackson
Joseph Bologna
Bob Dishy
Michael Brandon
Mike Vecchio
Conrad Bain
Confession Priest
Harry Guardino
Richard S. Castellano
Frank Vecchio
Anthony Holland
Marian Hailey
Connie Mason
Wedding Guest
Charlotte Jones
Johnny's Mother
Mort Marshall
Father Gregory

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