Comedy Crime
Vietnam vet Jon Rubin returns to New York and rents a rundown flat in Greenwich Village. It is in this flat that he begins to film, 'Peeping Tom' style, the people in the apartment across the street. His obsession with making films leads him to fall in with a radical 'Black Power' group, which in turn leads him to carry out a bizarre act of urban terrorism.
Directed by
Brian De Palma
Robert De Niro
Jon Rubin
Gerrit Graham
Gerrit Wood
Charles Durning
Jennifer Salt
Judy Bishop
Rutanya Alda
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Lara Parker
Jeannie Mitchell
Peter Maloney
Allen Garfield
Joe Banner
Carol Vogel
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Nelson Peltz
Abraham Goren
Bruce Price
Jimmy Mitchell
Ricky Parker
Ricky Mitchell
Andy Parker
Andy Mitchell
Robbie Heywood
Leslie Bornstein
Delia Abrams
Tofer Delaney
Margaret Pine
Hector Lino
N.I.T. Journal Revolutionary
Carole Leverett
N.I.T. Journal Revolutionary
Ruth Bocour
N.I.T. Journal
Bart De Palma
N.I.T. Journal
Arthur Bierman
N.I.T. Journal
Buddy Butler
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
David Connell
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
Carolyn Craven
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
Milton Earl Forrest
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
Joyce Griffin
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
Kirk Kirksey
'Be Black Baby' Troupe
Beth Bowden
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Eugene Elman
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Joe Fields
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Paul Milvy
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Joe Stillman
'Be Black Baby' Audience
Joseph King
Dr. Joe King
Wendell Craig
Co-op Family (uncredited)
Bill Daly
Neighbor (uncredited)

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