Music War Drama Comedy Romance
World War I. Lili Smith is a beloved British music hall singer, often providing inspiration for the British and French troops and general populace singing rallying patriotic songs. She is also half German and is an undercover German spy, using her feminine wiles to gather information from the high ranking and generally older military officers and diplomats she seduces.
Directed by
Blake Edwards
Written by
William Peter Blatty, Blake Edwards
Jeremy Kemp
Colonel Kurt Von Ruger
Rock Hudson
Major William Larrabee
Julie Andrews
Lili Smith
Laurie Main
French General
Lance Percival
T.C. Carstairs
Bernard Kay
Louis Mercier
French General
Michael Witney
Lt. George Youngblood Carson
Jacques Marin
Major Duvalle
Carl Duering
General Kessler
Gloria Paul
Crepe Suzette
Doreen Keogh
André Maranne
Lt. Liggett
Arthur Gould-Porter
Sergeant Wells
Ingo Mogendorf
Baron Manfred von Richtofen
Mickey McCardle
Dick Crockett

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