Adventure Action Crime
Sean Kane is forced to resign from the San Francisco Police Department's Narcotics Division when he goes berserk after his partner is murdered. He decides to fight alone and follows a trail of drug traffickers into unexpected high places.
Directed by
Steve Carver
Chuck Norris
Sean Kane
Christopher Lee
Morgan Canfield
Terry Kiser
Dave Pierce
Rosalind Chao
Linda Chan
Dorothy Dells
Cab driver
Matt Clark
Tom McCoy
Richard Roundtree
Capt. Stevens
James Chan
Joe Bellan
Truck driver
Stuart Pankin
Nicky LaBelle
Mel Novak
Tony Montoya
Professor Toru Tanaka
The Professor
Jeffrey Bannister
Man on walkie-talkie
Maggie Cooper
Heather Sullivan
Robert Behling
J.E. Freeman
Tow Truck Dude
Dov Gottesfeld
Rick Prieto
Sam Hiona
Daniel Forrest
VW driver
Joe De Nicola
Parlor manager
Edsel Fung
Chinese Proprietor
William Maley

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