Horror Sci-Fi
A social misfit, Willard is made fun of by his co-workers, and squeezed out of the company started by his deceased father by his boss. His only friends are a couple of rats he raised at home, Ben and Socrates. However, when one of them is killed at work, he goes on a rampage using his rats to attack those who have been tormenting him.
Directed by
Daniel Mann
Ernest Borgnine
Al Martin
Bruce Davison
Willard Stiles
Sondra Locke
Joan Simms
Elsa Lanchester
Henrietta Stiles
John Myhers
J. Pat O'Malley
Jonathan Farley
Almira Sessions
Carrie Smith
Joan Shawlee
Alice Rickles
Michael Dante
Alan Baxter
Walter T. Spencer
William Hansen
Jody Gilbert
Charlotte Stassen
Pauline Drake
Ida Stassen
Ed Haskett
Guest (uncredited)

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