Drama Fantasy Horror
While Ryoko is in Vienna studying music, her boyfriend dies in a traffic accident. Ryoko believes that she has psychic powers which killed him, and when she returns to Japan she is sent to a mental hospital. While recovering, her brother-in-law, Kouji, decides to look after her, and she goes to his house to act as a governess for Kouji's sister Keiko's daughter, Alice – who Ryoko becomes increasingly sure had something to do with her sister Fuyuko’s death.
Directed by
Nobuhiko Obayashi
Toru Minegishi
Hiroyuki Watanabe
Sakae Umezu
Makoto Satō
Miyoko Akaza
Keiko Kawamura
Shin Kishida
Aoi Nakajima
Kumiko Akiyoshi
Ryoko Akimoto
Ranbô Minami
Tina Kawamura
Risa Akikawa
Izumi Asuka

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