Animation Family
Rabbit Max, a juvenile shoplifter, gets trapped in an old-fashioned school. With rabbit girl Emmy, he acquires Easter Rabbits' secret skills, battles a sneaky fox family and learns about friendship.
Directed by
Ute von Münchow-Pohl
Senta Berger
Madame Hermine (voice)
Friedrich von Thun
Lehrer Eitelfritz (voice)
Constantin von Jascheroff
Bruno (voice)
Leon Seidel
Ron (voice)
Jule Böwe
Ruth (voice)
Peter Nottmeier
Willibald (voice)
Tim Sander
Lorenz (voice)
Noah Levi
Max (voice)
Dirk Petrick
Ferdinand (voice)
Jenny Melina Witez
Emmi (voice)
Max Boguth
Ernst (voice)
Ben Boxberg
Anton (voice)
Sebastian Fitzner
Atze (voice)
Valentina Bonalana
Luise (voice)
Gustav Häcke
Rudi (voice)
Tom Raczko
Leader (voice)
David Trayser
Techno bunny and miscellaneous (voice)
Lina Andres
Little bunny girl (voice)
Anna Neuenhofen
Saleswoman / mother / TV announcer (voice)

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