Animation Fantasy Action Adventure TV Movie
When Cole returns to Yang's haunted temple to seek revenge on a former Airjitzu Master, he accidentally uses a powerful Dark Magic blade that unleashes the spectral forms of Ninjago's greatest villains and traps himself in the temple. The Ninja must return the ghosts to the Departed Realm before it's too late.
Directed by
Peter Hausner
Written by
Tommy Andreasen, Nelson Lamonica, Simon Lucas, Michael Svane Knap, Toby Dutkiewicz, David Shayne, Scott Godon-Decoteau
Kirby Morrow
Cole (voice)
Vincent Tong
Kai (voice)
Andrew Francis
Morro (voice)
Richard Newman
Cryptor (voice)
Michael Kopsa
Samukai (voice)
Michael Adamthwaite
Jay (voice)
Michael Dobson
Pythor (voice)
Brian Dobson
Ronin (voice)
Kelly Metzger
Nya (voice)
Paul Dobson
Sensei Wu (voice)
Michael Daingerfield
Dr. Saunders (voice)
Ian James Corlett
Chen (voice)
Brent Miller
Zane (voice)
Jillian Michaels
Lloyd (voice)
Alan Marriott
Darreth (voice)
Kathleen Barr
Misako (voice)
Jennifer Hayward
P.I.X.A.L. (voice)
Colin Murdock
Ed (voice)

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