Sci-Fi Adventure Animation
Nora Scholar is now an interstellar bounty hunter, pursuing a powerful psychic on the desolate mining planet, Dazzle. There she befriends a would-be dancer named Max. Together, they take on the ESPer, Fuuchino, and his oversized bruiser of a brother, Touchino.
Directed by
Satomi Mikuriya
Daisuke Gori
Bartender (voice)
Ichiro Nagai
Fūchuro (voice)
Yumi Takada
Woman (voice)
Yuriko Yamamoto
Nora (voice)
Akio Nojima
Max (voice)
Yuzuru Fujimoto
Criminal Investigation Chief (voice)
Yukitomo Tochino
Takeshi Watabe
Tōchino (voice)
Chisato Nakajima
Woman (voice)
Yasuo Tanaka
Administration Director (voice)

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