Adventure Animation Comedy Family Fantasy
One night, the Nohara family were enjoying a pleasant dream, when suddenly a big fish appeared in their dreams and ate them. The next morning, Hiroshi read in the newspaper that everybody in another town had the same nightmare as him, but it seemed to have ended. But Hiroshi also heard the same dream from Misae, Shinnosuke, Himawari and even Shiro. They were surprised and thought if the same thing is happening in Kasukabe too. In kindergarten, on telling others about his nightmare, Shinnosuke was surprised to know that everybody too had the same dream. Then a mysterious girl named Saki was transferred to Futaba Kindergarten and joined Shinnosuke's class. Everyone in the class, including the rather inactive Bo-chan, were all excited and happy on seeing her. But Saki had a cold attitude and didn't get along well.
Directed by
Wataru Takahashi
Written by
Gekidan Hitori, Wataru Takahashi
Haruhi Nanao
Midori Yoshinaga (voice)
Shizuka Itoh
Nanako Oohara (voice)
Michiko Kichise
Sayuri Nubatama (voice)
Akiko Yajima
Shinnosuke Nohara (voice)
Satomi Korogi
Himawari Nohara (voice)
Michie Tomizawa
Ume Matsuzaka (voice)
Miki Narahashi
Misae Nohara (voice)
Mari Mashiba
Toru Kazama (voice)
Keiji Fujiwara
Hiroshi Nohara (voice)
Chie Sato
Bo-chan (voice)
Ken Yasuda
Yumehiko Nubatama (voice)
Daisuke Sakaguchi
Yoshirin Hatogaya (voice)
Teiyu Ichiryusai
Masao Sato (voice)
Makiko Ohmoto
Micchi Hatogaya (voice)
Gekidan Hitori
Junpei Morita
Bunta Takakura (voice)
Taeko Kawata
Saki Nubatama (voice)
Tamao Hayashi
Nene Sakurada (voice)
Tomoko Ohtsuka
Yasuo Kawamura (voice)

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