Romance Action Crime Drama
Uttar Pradesh-based Vishal gets a telegram from Santa Cruz Police Station that his younger collegian brother, Arjun, is dead. Distraught he travels to Bombay, collects his brothers ashes, and finds out that Arjun met a violent death. With the aid of a street-smart con-woman and her mentor, Babu Kasai Hyderabadi, he then sets out to find who killed his brother - not knowing that soon he will be drawn into the dark world of Godha and Vishwaraj.
Directed by
Mukul Anand
Written by
Anwar Khan, Nitin Manmohan
Arjun aka Munna
Madhuri Dixit
Gulshan Grover
Police Officer
Amjad Khan
Bada Godha
Shakti Kapoor
Babu Kasai Hyderabadi
Vinod Khanna
Kiran Kumar
Aditya Pancholi
Suraj aka Chota Godha
Sonu Walia

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