Comedy Romance
Harold Lamb is so excited about going to college that he has been working to earn spending money, practicing college yells, and learning a special way of introducing himself that he saw in a movie. When he arrives at Tate University, he soon becomes the target of practical jokes and ridicule. With the help of his one real friend Peggy, he resolves to make every possible effort to become popular.
Directed by
Sam Taylor, Fred C. Newmeyer
Brooks Benedict
The College Cad
Rosalind Byrne
Girl Caught in Suspenders at Dance (uncredited)
Wally Howe
Gardener (uncredited)
Jobyna Ralston
Harold Lloyd
The Freshman
May Wallace
Harold's Mother (uncredited)
Hazel Keener
The College Belle
Charles Farrell
Student Bell Ringer at Frolic (uncredited)
Roy Brooks
Tall Student (uncredited)
Grady Sutton
Student Who Goes to Dean (uncredited)
Gus Leonard
Waiter Who Takes Harold's Pants (uncredited)
Pat Harmon
The Football Coach
Charles Stevenson
Assistant Coach (uncredited)
Joseph Harrington
The College Tailor
Leon Beaumon
Student (uncredited)
Ethel Broadhurst
Woman (uncredited)
King Lockwood
Student (uncredited)
George Marion
Train Passenger (uncredited)
Oscar Smith
Dean's Chauffeur (uncredited)

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