Horror Drama
High school student Sung Jin commits suicide after being the victim of school violence for a long time. Three years later, one of his bullies Han Yeo Wool debuts as a celebrity. Sung Jin's brother, Sung Hyun, blames himself for not recognizing the pain his brother went through and finds a comment on Han Yeo Wool's news report that Sung Jin didn't commit suicide but was instead killed by Yeo Wool. The brother sets out to find the truth and he heads for destruction.
Directed by
Kang Hyo-jin
Written by
Kang Hyo-jin
Yoo Ji-yeon
Nam Ji Sun
Kim Jae-man
Choi Dong Woon
Han Yeo-wool
Go Yeong Ji
Yun Bu-jin
Sung Hyun's aunt
Kim Young Moo
Jo Sung Hyun
Lee Pung-un
Choi Jong Soo
Jo Seong-yun
Choi Dong Il
Kim Young Yong
Jo Sung Jin
Park Sun-joon
Ji Sun's ex-boyfriend
Park Sang-woon

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