Horror Mystery Thriller
Paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren encounter what would become one of the most sensational cases from their files. The fight for the soul of a young boy takes them beyond anything they'd ever seen before, to mark the first time in U.S. history that a murder suspect would claim demonic possession as a defense.
Directed by
Michael Chaves
Vera Farmiga
Lorraine Warren
Patrick Wilson
Ed Warren
John Noble
Father Kastner
Vince Pisani
Father Newman
Mitchell Hoog
Ed Warren (teenage)
Julian Hilliard
David Glatzel
Sterling Jerins
Judy Warren
Sarah Catherine Hook
Debbie Glatzel
Steve Coulter
Father Gordon
Chris Greene
Rebecca Lines
Witch #2
Eugenie Bondurant
The Occultist
Ingrid Bisu
Andrea Andrade
Shannon Kook
Drew Thomas
Nicky Buggs
Witch Woman
Charlene Amoia
Judy Glatzel
Ruairí O'Connor
Arne Cheyne Johnson
Jury Foreman
Davis Osborne
John Beckett
Ronnie Gene Blevins
Nicholas Massouh
Mark Rowe
Sergeant Thomas
Stella Doyle
Mrs. Haskett
Ashley LeConte Campbell
Meryl Dewitt
Lindsay Ayliffe
Keith Arthur Bolden
Sergeant Clay
Paul Wilson
Carl Glatzel
Robert Walker Branchaud
Prison Guard
Megan Ashley Brown
Lorraine Warren (teenage)
Stacy Johnson
Fabio William
Bill Ramsey

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