Fantasy Family Adventure TV Movie
A lonely wood-carver named Geppetto wishes for a son one night before going to bed. The Blue Fairy comes while he sleeps and partially grants the wish by turning his latest puppet, Pinocchio, into a living marionette. Pinocchio can himself fulfill Geppetto's wish of a real human son if he can prove himself to be a good soul. However, the road to becoming a real boy seems to never end, since his innocence continuously causes a problem, especially when the Evil Gypsy and his two goons want to exploit him. Not to mention, every time that he misbehaves or lies, his nose grows...
Directed by
Peter Medak
Written by
Mark Curtiss, Rod Ash
James Coburn
The Gypsy
Jim Belushi
Shelley Duvall
Self - Host (uncredited)
Lainie Kazan
Sophia, the Blue Fairy
Paul Reubens
Don Novello
Narrator (voice)
Michael Richards
Vincent Schiavelli
The Priest
Carl Reiner
Vito Scotti
Helena Kallianiotes
Avery Schreiber

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