Drama Family Music Comedy Adventure
A new teacher, Uma (Anasuya Subasinghe), arrives at a school with her first appointment in a remote village near Dambulla in Sri Lanka. The school has few students, with only the principal (Lucian Bulathsinghala) and Uma as the teacher. With the help of Uma the pupils gradually start to dream of bigger things than they ever imagined. One day Upuli, a blind girl, shares her unseen dream with school friends Sukiri and Ukkun. It gradually becomes the dream throughout the village. The children and Uma encounter perils in their venture to realise this dream. The children of the school start to focus on something they have never seen before. This target gives rise to a small revolution.
Directed by
Indika Ferdinando
Jayalath Manoratne
Justin the Bus Driver
Jayani Senanayake
Chithra (Gramasewaka's Wife)
Jagath Chamila
Madhuwantha (Uma's Boyfriend)
Lucien Bulathsinhala
School Principal
Anasuya Subasinghe
Uma the School Teacher
Hyacinth Wijeratne
School Principal's Wife
Dayadewa Edirisinghe
Senat Dikkumbura
Mudalali (Shop Owner)
Geetha Kanthi Jayakody
Justin's Wife
Ama Wijesekera
Tailor Woman
D.B. Gangodathenna
Kiri Aththa
Anjali Methsara
Blind Girl
Sathsara Jayasuriya
Gramasewaka's Son
Thishakya Kumaratunga

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