Action Adventure Comedy
When a newlywed American couple goes to India on their honeymoon, little do they realize that they are about to go on the adventure of a lifetime. A huge ruby from the time of the Indian Maharajas has been stolen and placed in the backpack of the Americans. When the bad guys realize this, they kidnap the wife... Now the husband and his Indian friend (played by a famous Tamil Indian actor) must go out to save her.
Directed by
Dwight H. Little
Written by
Curt Allen
Shyam Sabu (as Rajni Kanth)
Brett Stimely
Sandy McVey
Jack Kehler
Paul Lorre
Laura Albert
Kim Chi
Marjean Holden
Charlie Brill
Inspector Ramesh
Tej Sapru
Christopher Neame
Van Hoeven
Bob Christo
Anna Nicholas
Stephanie McVey
Deep Dhillon
Carol Teesdale
Anna (as Carol Teasdale)
Bill Marley
British Couple
Janet Lord
British Couple
Mark A. Cuttin

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