Comedy Drama Romance
A vineyard's manager marries the owner's very young daughter; father dies. Deceit, infidelity. The husband is forced to watch from a distance as his wife blossom socially in his absence; then the plot thickens.
Directed by
Marco Vicario
Marcello Mastroianni
Luigi De Angelis
Laura Antonelli
Antonia De Angelis
Olga Karlatos
Dr. Paola Pagano
Leonard Mann
Dr. Dario Favella
Gastone Moschin
Stefano Patrizi
Enrico, Clara's fiancé
Armando Brancia
Head Doctor
William Berger
Count Brandini
Enzo Robutti
Maria Monti
Hotel director
Elsa Vazzoler
Teresa, the maid
Annie Belle
Hélène Chanel
Paul Müller
Hotel Concierge
Luigi Diberti
Attilio Dottesio
Daniele Gabbai
Young official

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