Horror Sci-Fi
A Florida real estate developer and her captain lure investors to a property in the Everglades called Dreamland Shores, under false pretenses that the swampland will soon be developed. After the group arrives on a small island, they find it has been overrun by giant mutated ants, brought on by the dumping of toxic waste in the area.
Directed by
Bert I. Gordon
Joan Collins
Marilyn Fryser
Jacqueline Scott
Margaret Ellis
Robert Pine
Larry Graham
Robert Lansing
Dan Stokely
Harry Holcombe
Harry Thompson
Buddy Joe Hooker
Albert Salmi
Sheriff Art Kincade
Irene Tedrow
Velma Thompson
Pamela Susan Shoop
Coreen Bradford
Tom Fadden
Sam Russell
John David Carson
Joe Morrison
Jack Kosslyn
Thomas Lawson
Florance McGee
Phoebe Russell
Edward Power
Charlie Pearson
Brooke Palance
Christine Graham
Ilse Earl
Mary Lawson
Janie Gavin
Norman Franklin
Anson Parker
Jim Wheelus
Mike Armstrong
Tom Ford
Charles Redd
Taxi Driver
Hugh Hooker
Adrienne Bourbeau

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