Action Animation Fantasy Sci-Fi
This All Hallows’ Eve, Nightmare is bent on conquering our waking world by crossing through the Dream Dimension, and converting each dreamer into a monster. Can Dr. Strange, Hulk and the Howling Commandos hold the line and put an end to his nefarious scheme?
Directed by
Mitch Schauer
Written by
Dave McDermott, Marty Isenberg
Fred Tatasciore
Hulk (voice) / Countdown (voice)
Laura Bailey
Ana (voice) / Football Player (voice) / Vampire (voice)
Zach Callison
Eric (voice) / Ninja (voice)
Joe Quesada
Chiara Zanni
Nina Price / Vampire by Night (voice) / Bee Girl (voice) / Nurse (voice)
Mike Vaughn
Zombie Jasper Sitwell (voice)
Hope Levy
Gayle (voice) / Pirate (voice) / Princess (voice)
Matthew Waterson
Nightmare (voice)
Jon Olson
Man-Thing (voice) / Rorgg (voice) / Sporr (voice) / Zzutak (voice)
Liam O'Brien
Doctor Strange (voice)
Edward Bosco
Warwolf (voice) / Minotaur (voice) / Reveler (voice)
Jesse Burch
Bruce Banner (voice) / Waiter (voice)
Michael Robles
Benito Serrano (voice)
Sean McKeever
Benito Serrano (voice) / El Toro (voice) / Minotaur (voice) (uncredited)

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