Drama Thriller
Berlin, 1930, during the rise of Nazism. Hermann Hermann, a Russian emigrant and chocolate manufacturer, married to the capricious Lydia, loses his temper more and more every day when dealing with his workers and other businessmen; until he meets Felix, a vagrant, who seems to be physically identical to him; a disconcerting fact that leads Hermann Hermann to plot a particular way out of a fake world he actually hates.
Directed by
Rainer Werner Fassbinder
Dirk Bogarde
Hermann Hermann
Gottfried John
Isolde Barth
2nd Landlady
Adrian Hoven
Inspector Schelling
Harry Baer
Klaus Löwitsch
Felix Weber
Bernhard Wicki
Roger Fritz
Inspector Braun
Ingrid Caven
Hotel Manager
Andréa Ferréol
Lydia Hermann
Peter Kern
Lilo Pempeit
Mrs. Schmidt
Volker Spengler
Hark Bohm
Antonin Artaud
Vincent van Gogh
Armin Meier
Silverman / Sergeant Brown / Foreman
Alexander Allerson
Y Sa Lo
Voli Geiler
1st Landlady
Gitty Djamal
Woman in Pension
Osman Ragheb
Post Office Clerck
Hans Zander
Müller's Brother [Scenes Deleted]
Unica Zürn

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