Drama Romance
Ji-hae's friend is having problems expressing her feelings to the boy she loves, so she asks Ji-hae to write e-mails to him in her name. As the boy falls in love with her letters, Ji-hae discovers the story of her mother's romance which is remarkably similar to her own circumstances.
Directed by
Kwak Jae-yong
Written by
Kwak Jae-yong
Son Ye-jin
Ji-hye / Joo-hee
Cho Seung-woo
Zo In-sung
Lee Mi-sook
Joo-hee's Mother
Lee Ki-woo
Seo Young-hee
Kim Byeong-ok
Homeroom Teacher
Im Ye-jin
Canteen Operator
Kim Jung-tae
Friend at the Countryside
Lee Joo-Eun
Park So-eun
Young Ji-hye
Lee Seung-cheol
Tae-soo's Father
Keum Dong-hyun
Last Leaf Performer
Hyun Sook-hee
Tae-soo's Mother
Choi Dae-woong
Elderly Man
Jeon Jeong-ro
Friend at the Countryside
Han Geun-wook
Joo-hee's Father
Park Do-yoo

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