Drama TV Movie
When Alice, a beloved neonatal intensive care unit supervisor, is forced to take early retirement, her young colleague Jenny decides to turn the upcoming staff Christmas party into a surprise celebration for her. The plan is complicated by Matt, the hospital’s new CFO, who’s been tasked to cut costs. Initially at loggerheads, Jenny and Matt get to know and understand each other —a sweet Christmas gift neither saw coming.
Directed by
Monika Mitchell
Written by
J.B. White
Yan-Kay Crystal Lowe
Lauren Wright
Kristoffer Polaha
Matt Crawford
Brendon Zub
Dan Bradley
Bruce Dawson
Bob Miller
Kimberley Sustad
Isabel Lang
Emilie Ullerup
Jenny Miller
Sharon Lawrence
Alice Shelby
Jay Hindle
Eric Lang
Rachel Hayward
Kate Miller
Omari Newton
Nicholas Carella

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