Drama Romance Music
The movie centers on a piano competition whose winner is assured of success. It is Paul's last chance to compete, but newcomer Heidi may be a better pianist. Can romance be far away? Will she take a dive despite the pressure to win from her teacher, Greta, or will she condemn Paul to obscurity?
Directed by
Joel Oliansky
Amy Irving
Heidi Joan Schoonover
Richard Dreyfuss
Paul Dietrich
Priscilla Pointer
Mrs. Donellan
Lee Remick
Greta Vandemann
James B. Sikking
Bea Silvern
Madame Gorshev
Joseph Cali
Jerry DiSalvo
Laurie Main
Judge Wyeth
Sam Wanamaker
Andrew Erskine
Ben Hammer
Ross Evans
Judge Heimling
Philip Sterling
Mr. Dietrich
Ty Henderson
Michael Humphries
Vicki Kriegler
Tatjana Baronova
Gloria Stroock
Mrs. Dietrich
Jimmy Sturtevant
Vinnie DiSalvo
Delia Salvi
Mrs. DiSalvo
Robert Vega
Ronald F. Hoiseck
Judge Pyck
John Clavin
Judge Weatherall

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