Animation Action Adventure Drama Sci-Fi
After a drawn-out, viciously-fought war, the earth has been conquered by the alien Illumidus Empire. Harlock, a captain in earth's fleet, crashes his ship to prevent the Illumidus from using it, and flat-out refuses to join them. With the help of his allies, Tochiro and the space pirate Emereldas, and his lover Miya, he wages a private and bitter war against the Illumidus.
Directed by
Tomoharu Katsumata
Written by
Leiji Matsumoto, Yooichi Onaka
Hidekatsu Shibata
Black-Suited Commander (voice)
Hiromi Tsuru
Shuichi Ikeda
Eiko Masuyama
The Witch
Yūjirō Ishihara
Phantom F. Harlock I
Takeshi Aono
Tarō Ishida
Zeda (voice)
Shūichirō Moriyama
Old Tokargan Soldier
Kei Tomiyama
Tochirô Ôyama
Koji Yada
Illumidas Officer
Yuriko Yamamoto
La Mîmé
Makio Inoue
Captain Harlock / Phantom F. Harlock II
Reiko Tajima
Queen Emeraldas
Reiko Mutoh
Maya (voice)

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